category 336 Class Reflections

Ed Tech Presentation Day

Last Friday we presented our tech inquiry project, and I found it really fun and helpful to collaborate with my peers on this one. We all approached ed tech in a different way and I found it beneficial to learn… Continue Reading →

Minecraft Reflection

Today in class students from Colquitz Middle School came and taught us about Minecraft! I found it really interesting when the teacher began discussing how she uses a Minecraft Challenge as a method of formative assessment. She has the students… Continue Reading →


During class time last week we visited the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry. The PSII principal met with us to give us a brief overview of their beliefs and practices in their secondary program. I found a lot of… Continue Reading →

Jesse Miller Guest Lecture

Last week we had Jesse Miller in to guest lecture our 336 class. Jesse works in the field of research that explores how people interact with the internet and technology, and how that exploration effects society, either positively or negatively…. Continue Reading →

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